Fight the Blank Page Syndrome and Dare Now !

I thought about writing this first post for approximately 624 hours.

And I know I’ll potentially need to spend as much time working on this post before I feel like it is worth reading.

I don’t know how many people will read this article, and I shouldn’t really care. I’ll have dared to do it, and that’s what mattered in the first place.

When I decided to start this post, I got scared and found my self-stuck with the blank page syndrome… Did it ever occur to you?

To me, it’s a crippling feeling that stops you from trying.

I really wanted this syndrome to be the topic of my first post. Mostly because that’s what stopped me from writing this article in a first place. And frankly, because.

I know that many people don’t do because of it.

Have you ever said or heard “oh It’s not for me” “It had already been done” or “I don’t know what to say.”

Did you? I used to say the third one.

A lot of other arguments originate from the blank page syndrome. Especially this popular concept of “Not having the time.”

Are you really not doing it because you’re too busy? Is it merely a question of priority?

Or are you solely afraid?

Isn’t it kind of funny? We are capable of so much. Curing diseases, traveling the world, engineering robots roaming the surface of Mars, caring for each other.

And yet, we are anxious. Scared to not be relevant, not to be good enough. To be futile, to be criticized… Damn!

You know, that thing that you want to do for a while: this startup you want to build, this secret project that you kept. Start it. Now.

And don’t let it down.

According to self-development books, podcasts, and articles I read: one of the solutions is just not to care about what others may think. I know that it’s easier said than done, but those people are going to be hateful whatever you do.

You should not care.

You will have achieved more than your former self and more than them.

It is the only thing that matter, don’t mind the hate, regrets taste a lot worse than going for it. Even if it doesn’t work out in the end.

I had excuses for some projects like everyone, like you. That was because I was afraid to do things. To spend hours and hours working alone, nobody to tell you what to do or when. No one to help you. And the saddest part is that we all feel the same.

The idea to fail is so intense that we prefer not to dare.

We believe that we would be ashamed to fail or that it will cost us something like our image, or I don’t really know. What other my think also used to scare me.

But not anymore.

So, when you ask yourself, is this big idea of mine viable? Would I be a successful entrepreneur? Could I build this website even if I don’t know how to?

Ask yourself, why should you not?

Every successful endeavor started with a scared person taking his first step toward his goal.

Remember, those who dare win.

With all my affection.


10 réflexions sur “Fight the Blank Page Syndrome and Dare Now !”

  1. Cloé, moi je fais ma réponse en anglais! D’abord merci pour cet article et felicitation pour avoir franchi le pas!
    J’ai beaucoup aimé lire cet article, je me suis beaucoup retrouvée dans ce que tu écris et tu as raison, il faut oser!
    Depuis peu, tous les matins, je me lance un défi et ça m’aide à sortir de ma zone de confort et à oser plus de choses. Par exemple: n’avoir aucune pensée négative.

    J’ai hâte de lire le prochain article! et keep going 🙂

  2. That’s true! The most of the Time we all use excuses. Being clear with what you really think permitt to don’t care about anything without your aim.
    Thanks for this article there’s no fail just another road it depend to you to find the way.

  3. Un message qui véhicule beaucoup de courage et d’espoir mon mimi ! Tu es un vrai modèle de force à suivre, je suis fière de toi chat !
    Hâte de te lire rapidement !
    XoXo ❤️

  4. Ce post me touche sincèrement… et il tombe à pic niveau timing. Je ne suis pas du genre à croire aux signes, mais tout arrive pour une raison. Il faut simplement ouvrir les yeux, en prendre conscience, sourire et avancer ! Peu importe la direction, il est temps de devenir pilote de sa vie, maître de son destin et un allié bienveillant avec soi-même. Félicitations pour ta force et ton courage. Tes mots raisonnent juste, tu es une femme inspirante et inspirée.

  5. Wow, i totally agree with you Cloé! To start a paper or a new project is something I struggle with a lot, sometimes more than I wish I did. And not only that but the decision making process also makes me anxious. I guess us millennials are not good with failure, since we’ve always had tools to help us get through processes. I find it very comforting knowing that I am not the only person who has trouble with starting something new, especially when it means that you have to expose yourself among others. Thanks a lot for sharing your first post, it takes a brave person to start but an even braver person to continue, just like you, my dear. I am so looking forward to see your next posts. Lots of love, Almania

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